Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our Next Mom's Night Out!

We're cooking!

June 27th at 7pm!
10092 Heywood Lane

The cost will be $25 per mom. We will learn to make 2 new meals and PB&J Creme Brulee! We hope you can make it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday!

Hey Luna Moms, Don't forget that we've got a Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday after Stroller Strides! So, if you think that your work out ends at 10:00, you've got another thing coming! In pairs of two, we'll be hunting for treasures all over Highland Heritage Park! Make sure that you're ready with some extra water and sunblock.

***Also, would anyone like to volunteer to bring snack that day?

And, here's some photos from our recent Wacky Wednesday adventures:

Making Father's Day gifts:

And, at our book exchange:

Hope to see you this Wednesday!

Finally, don't forget to volunteer for the Garage Sale and start saving up some of your gently-used items!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wacky Wednesday this week!

We're having a book exchange!

Bring some gently used books- both adult and kid-friendly- to swap. For each book that you bring, you get to pick another book. The more books you bring, the more you get to take home!

We will also have some "story time" with the kiddos.

I need one volunteer to bring a snack this week. Email me or send me a message on FB if you'd like to volunteer.

Thank you, Amanda, for the delicious banana bread and fruit last week!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Don't Forget!

Don't forget, tomorrow after SS, we are kicking off Wacky Wednesdays by making some fun father's day gifts! Here's a sneak peek:
Just add some sweet little footprints!

I picked this up at Ace for less than $3 and they also had aprons- if you've got a grill master or carpenter at your home! You could also bring T-shirts, socks, boxers, you name it! Don't forget to bring a white garment for your little one so that he or she can have something special to wear on the big day.

Additionally, we have a garage sale coming up! Kim Byers has agreed to offer her time, enthusiasm, and garage on Friday, July 22. 100% of proceeds will go directly to the March Of Dimes, which is a charity that is near and dear to her heart. So, please, start going through your belongings now. We will be carting all of our goods to her home during the week before. 

We need additional volunteers for this event. Our needs will include those who are will help sort and price items during the week before, those who can help set-up Thursday, July 21, those who can assist on July 22 at the sale, and those who can help clean up. The sale will begin at 7am. Please contact Me (Holly), Sarah, or Kim if you'd like to help for this fantastic cause. 

More details to come!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wacky Wednesdays!

Don't forget, they start this week! On Wednesday, after Stroller Strides, we will be making Father's Day gifts for the wonderful Dad's in our lives! For this activity, do not forget to bring one (or more) of the following:
- a Daddy-sized white T-shirt
- a white tool belt (available for cheap at most tool stores- Home Depot, Lowes, etc)
- a white hat
- you get the idea, something white and wearable of your choosing


- bring a matching white child-sized onesie or t-shirt for your little one
- extra wet wipes
- a change of clothing

If you have any fabric paint available, please bring that as well, but some will be provided. 

We will be making our goods at the picnic shelter, which is conveniently located near a play ground.